So, then, how do you fill your company with people who have the confidence to play the market but can also fight the temptation to throw good money after a bad trade? 那么,公司如保证招募道德员工既能信心十足地进行股票交易,又能抵挡住一掷千金进行违规交易的诱惑呢?
"A combination of much higher interest rates and slowing growth would definitely be bad news for emerging markets down the road," said Uri Dadush, director of international trade at the World Bank. “利率上升和经济增长放缓并存,对新兴市场而言绝对是坏消息,”世界银行国际贸易业务负责人尤里•达杜什(UriDadush)称。
His bad dream is that the US will then lash out in a destructive trade war, simply exacerbating the situation. 他的噩梦是,美国届时将发动毁灭性的贸易战,这只能进一步恶化形势。
Trump excited conservative activists with his attacks on China, OPEC and what he felt were bad international trade deals for the United States. 川普对中国的攻击、对石油输出国组织批评,对一切他认为对美国不利的国际贸易进行的遣责,都让保守派活动人士感到兴奋。
She had previously experienced how bad the large trade unions in the care sector were. 以前他曾见过在养护部门的大型工会表现极为差劲。
Study on Countermeasures of China's Bad Debts in Foreign Trade under International Financial Crisis 国际金融危机下中国外贸呆坏账对策研究
Wars of any kind are bad for trade. 任何一种战争都不利于贸易。
So was the week in Washington a good or a bad one for free trade? 对自由贸易来说,华盛顿上周采取的行动究竟是好事还是坏事?
However, I went with the trade here so let us see what happened that turned this into a bad trade. 然而,我顺从交易的趋势,让我们看看趋势反转之后会发生什么。
It would increase the pressure of funds outstanding for foreign exchange. Secondly, under the bad global situation which leaded to more frequent trade conflict, we still need to carry out strategic strength of import. 一是会增加外汇占款压力,二是在全球形势不好的情况下导致贸易摩擦更加频繁,我们还是要加大实施进口战略力度。
Home must've been pretty bad to trade for this place. 家里一定很糟他才会逃到这里。
The bad weather has driven trade away. 坏天气使生意萧条。
Sometimes it seems like a bad trade. 有时候这交易看来并不合算。
It has been four years since a lethal combination of bad harvests, misguided trade policies and poor governance combined to create a global food crisis that put millions of lives and livelihoods at risk. 四年前,糟糕的收成、误入歧途的贸易政策、再加上管理不善,这些不利因素结合起来导致了一场全球粮食危机,数百万人的生命和生计受到了威胁。
The battery of indicators, from industrial output to retail sales, did highlight sluggishness in the Chinese economy, but the overall picture was not nearly as bad as some had feared. This was especially true of the trade data. 从工业增加值到消费品零售总额,这批经济指标数据确实突显中国经济存在一些疲软,但整体局面(尤其是贸易数据)远远不像有些人所担心的那么糟糕。
Is high taxation bad for trade? 重税对贸易不利吗?
The results are further bad news for the Doha round and bilateral trade agreements with South Korea and other countries. 对于多哈回合全球贸易谈判,以及美国与韩国等国的双边贸易谈判而言,这样的结果更为糟糕。
Magic Johnson, an all-time great player and an all-time great talk-show host ( if you like bad television), said the time has come for the Rockets to trade Tracy McGrady or Yao Ming. 魔术师约翰逊永远是一名伟大的球员,也永远是一名伟大的脱口秀主持人(呵呵,当然要你喜欢看垃圾节目),他大放厥词称交易麦迪或姚明的时机已经成熟。
Even the movement brings back bad memories sometimes of a bad trade, of trades that you've done. 即使走势会带来过去的错误交易的回忆。
For the traditional big-sized business enterprise of our country, manufactories are also the buyer and the marker-provider, the suppliers that are obvious in bad situation, should adopt the certain way to protect the benefits in the electronics trade. 对于我国处于领导地位的传统大型企业来说,由于制造商同时身兼买方和市场提供商的地位,对处于明显劣势的供应商而言,则更需要采取一定的办法来保护自身在电子交易市场中的利益。
Today TBT has brought bad effects on China's agricultural produce trade. 在国际贸易中TBT有自己独特的表现形式和特征,TBT已给我国农产品贸易带来了严重的负面影响。
From the aspect of China, the foreign trade managerial system of China is not perfect, structure of export commodities is unreasonable, bad senses of self-protection of enterprises are reasons which causes Sino-America trade frictions. 中国自身的外贸经营管理体制的不完善,出口产品结构的低下,企业的自我保护意识差等也是引发中美贸易摩擦的重要原因。
But the government excessive and inconsistent interference will have a bad effect: The governmental regulations on the main body of trade, trade variety and trade market ( market segmentation), affects the environment of the open-ended fund liquidity. 政府在交易主体、交易品种和交易市场的规定(市场分割)等交易制度的安排影响着开放式基金流动性的环境。
Since China entered WTO, the number of anti-evading investigation cases which cause bad influence on our international trade has been increased. 自我国加入WTO以来,遭遇反规避调查的案件呈增多趋势,对我国国际贸易造成了不良影响。
And it finds the root of that, like rigid ideology, bad district protectionism, dissevered tourism market, and trade vallum, etc. 然后,深入探究了障碍存在的根源:思想根源、地方保护主义严重、旅游市场的人为割裂、地区割据与行业壁垒等。
Through analyzing the objective reasons, we expect to change and improve its relative aspects, so as to eliminate or reduce the bad influences which the TBT have exerted on China ′ s development of industry, trade and economy. 分析造成这种结果背后的具体原因,以期在相关方面加以改进和提高,才能避免或降低技术性贸易壁垒对我国工业及贸易经济发展的不良影响。
On the other hand, green barrier brings bad effect to China's export trade, such as reducing the speed of export, shrink the export market, lower the economic benefit of export enterprises and pricks up bilateral or multi-lateral friction in trade. 另一方面又给我国出口贸易带来不利影响:减缓产品出口速度,缩小出口市场空间,降低出口企业经济效益,加剧双边或多边贸易摩擦。
International Factoring is one of such comprehensive settlements, including credit investigation, bad debt guarantees, accounting, financial management, trade finance. 国际保理就是这样一种集资信调查、坏账担保、会计结算、财务管理、贸易融资为一体的综合性结算方式。
As a tool of financial policy, officially supported export credits plays an important role in promoting export and enhancing domestic economy as a financial tool of implementing governments 'export policies, but it also has bad effects on international trade order. 作为政策性金融工具的一种,官方支持的出口信贷一方面对于提供国的出口贸易和国民经济的发展具有重要的作用,另一方面又对国际贸易有一定的扭曲作用。
In recent years, Chinese food safety crises have occurred frequently. Those events damage the images of Chinese enterprises and food industry in the international market, and have bad effects on international trade. 近几年,我国不安全食品危害事件的频繁发生,严重损害了中国企业、食品行业和我国在国际市场的形象,影响我国的食品出口和对外贸易。